Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Something Rotten, by Jasper Fforde

Retrieved from: the library

Good news: I followed the plot of this book in the series better than any other so far. Does that mean it's getting stale? No, I think it just means I'm more fully integrated into the world Thursday lives in than I used to be. It also helps that I know "Hamlet" and Shakespeare in general, and the other literature mentioned was also generally stuff I was clued in on (Alice in Wonderland and bad sf....hah).

Landen returns...and leaves...and returns. Thursday figures out who Gran is and dies...only not really, of course. And her mother is contemplating or has already started a love affair with Otto von Bismarck. And Hamlet is impersonating Thursday's Cousin Eddie while he sorts out his psychological issues in the real world. Not a good time to be doing that since Goliath Corp. has cracked down on all things Danish. Oh, and Norman Johnson returns, but you have to watch carefully for his tracks. Thursday doesn't, endangering her and her assassin...

There are 13th-century prophets turning up and croquet battles aplenty, mixed in with stalkers, a visit to the Rest Area of the Living Dead on the M4, and the chance for the Neanderthal community to finally be able to reproduce naturally.

Confused yet? Read these books!

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