Thursday, September 30, 2004

Pyro, by Earl Emerson

Retrieved from: The library

Regular readers will (maybe) remember that I love this guy. Haven't read a book of his that I haven't liked at least. I even have some signed editions (which has nothing to do with the fact that he's a nice-looking guy in turnout gear. Really. No, REALLY).

But. I couldn't finish this book. It's not one of his series characters, but about a firefighter whose dad died in an arson fire about 20 years before. He is just the age of his father when he died, and there is a sudden spate of arson fires very similar to those occurring at the time of Dad's death. It's a sad book, full of mean-spirited or deranged people. I got to the point where the 'hero' chases down the person he thinks might be responsible for the fires and pinning her to the wall with a pike. Had to stop.

Too much of a downer. I think I may have to stick to nonfiction and lightweight fiction for a couple of months. Sigh...

Must say, however, that I don't think this is the author's fault--I think it's purely my problem.

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