Monday, October 04, 2004

Eragon, by Christopher Paolini

Retrieved from: Sparky's room

OK. I finished this. And it isn't...horrible. The bones are good. The flesh needs some, er, well, surgery?

It took me until page 300 to stop saying things like "is this book EVER going to get moving" and "I'm never going to finish this book--I'm trapped in Alagaesia." It could use a lot of editing. And don't dwarves live a LONG time? So then why, in eight millennia, have they had more than 40 kings? Doesn't that work out to a reign of less than 20 years per king?

Nitpicking. This is actually the first in a series, originally written by a 16-year-old (or thereabouts). From that standpoint, it's good. But then again, S.E. Hinton wrote at that age, and her books are GOOD. No, great. This is....ok.

If you like dragons, dwarves, magic, elves and mean-'n'-nasties, go for it.

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