Thursday, February 15, 2007

Child of My Heart, by Alice McDermott (on CD)

Had I been reading this book instead of listening to it, I might not have finished it. But listening to it slowed it down to a proper pace, made it much more consistent with the story.

The story: Set in East Hampton, Long Island in the 50s or 60s, the main character is a 15-year-old girl who is very self-contained and sure of herself. She's in great demand not only for her superb babysitting and petsitting skills, but because she is beautiful. Very aware of that fact, somewhat snobby about those less fortunate in the looks area, but sensible and calm about nearly everything. In fact, she's so calm that it's somewhat surreal at times. Her parents have specific designs in moving from the city to Long Island: they recognize their only daughter's beauty and want to give her the best chance to capitalize on it by 'marrying well' which means making her available to the cream of society in whatever manner that is socially acceptable.

The plot revolves around Theresa's cousin Daisy--"poor Daisy"--one of two girls in large working-class family and her visit to spend her 8th summer on Long Island. She's a sweet, generous, kind-hearted child with a wry wit and a big secret. There is a great deal of foreshadowing and that brings a strong melancholic flavor to the hurly-burly dreaminess of everyday life in a summer resort area.

Lovely book. Lovely mood. A little manipulative, which can get a bit cloying, but the ending is just perfectly written.

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