Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Calling : A Year in the Life of an Order of Nuns, by Catherine Whitney

The author went to Catholic high school in the early 60s, a time of dramatic change in the Catholic Church. Her teachers were all nuns, and she contemplated taking vows as a nun herself. When the Mother Prioress suggested she take some time to be sure she was called to that vocation she was so crushed she effectively left the church in her past.

About three decades later, she was asked to write about nuns by her publisher and headed back to the Seattle area to re-immerse herself in the life of the religious and find out if things had changed inside the order as much as it looks like it has changed from the outside. The answer is yes. And also no. Things are substantially different, but the women who are called to serve as Dominicans continue to do God's work in the world, regardless of clothing and other outer trappings.

For someone who was not raised Catholic, this is full of daily routines completely unfamiliar to me. For someone who was taught by nuns, maybe this would be vaguely interesting, but it might also bring back some unpleasant memories. Either way, I think it's comforting to think of these women who remain dedicated to doing good works for the betterment of society--a link to the past looking forward toward an uncertain earthly future.

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