Friday, October 13, 2006

Pobby and Dingan, by Ben Rice

A short, sweet book written in the voice of a pretty regular Australian boy with an annoying sister, a slightly askew family, and problems of his own.

When his younger sister's imaginary friends disappear, he is at first quite angry with her perceived silliness. Because they've been her staunch companions for so long, many townsfolk recognize (or 'recognize') Pobby and Dingan, and since they love Kellyanne they agree to help out by searching for the missing boy and girl.

Over the short course of the story, Ashmol realizes and acts on his abiding love of his sister. He drives himself and his parents to do whatever is necessary to help Kellyanne recover from her grief, regardless of each of their personal problems. And in the end he finds out more about the whole family than he could have hoped, as well as some deep truths about the realities and value of life, and death.

I will remember this kid for a long time. Really nice story.

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