Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Games, by Bill Pronzini

The next on my list of books by Pronzini. We meet David Jackman, Senator and power-broker, as he decides to take his mistress with him to his childhood vacation home on his family's island off the coast of Maine. Within hours of their arrival, they find out they are not alone on the island, and the people with whom they are sharing it seem to be intent on causing them harm.

The majority of the book is suspense distilled down to its essence: what do these people want? How can Jackman and Tracy escape from them? How well does he remember the geography of the island? Why do their trackers seem to be able to anticipate his every move?

In the telling, it's a fun story, but at the end I just felt cheated by how quickly the denouement is handled. Very much the literary equivalent of "wham bam." Oh, well. It was, as Tracy would say, fun while it lasted.

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