Saturday, March 31, 2007

Pale Kings and Princes, by Robert Parker

This is an older Spenser novel. Not that any of them are dated in any sense of that word. Somehow, I had missed this one, or maybe I just haven't read through the "canon" completely...

In any case, this takes place primarily in Wheaton, Mass. Spenser has been asked to find out why a young reporter was murdered, and who did it. In the course of events, he finds the police chief remarkably unhelpful (oh, these uptight small-town police chiefs!) and a grocery-store owner with entirely too much money...and paid muscle. Hello, cocaine cartel.

After the police chief, his son, and very nearly Spenser himself are killed, he is pretty clear on the Who question, but not so clear on the specifics of Why. After bringing in reinforcements--Hawk AND Susan--they eventually uncover the whole situation, and then deal with it in the most abrupt, useful, and illegal way possible.

Good story. I do love the way Parker writes.

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