Thursday, March 08, 2007

No Good Deeds, by Laura Lippman (on CD)

I'm really bummed: I will probably have to add Laura Lippman to my reading list. Tess Monaghan is an interesting woman, and her boyfriend is even more so.

This particular story finds Tess and Crow living together, relatively comforably, though Tess is a little tight financially. In one of his errands of mercy to a local soup kitchen, Crow's tire gets slashed and a teenager offers to help him fix it. Eventually, after taking him to lunch and talking with him briefly, he decides to bring Lloyd home for the night, it being brutally cold outside where Crow is sure Lloyd plans to sleep.

Tess is not thrilled, but she relents and eventually they discover that Lloyd may know something about the murder of a federal agent several months ago. The investigation into his murder is stalled, and the police seem to have no leads whatsoever. The information Lloyd has is enough to paint a target on his back, leading Crow to take pity on him and spirit him out of the city without telling anyone, including Tess, where they are.

Good story. Interesting characterizations all the way around. Tess' friend Whitney is pretty hysterical, too. I'll have to read more of these.

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