Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Foxes of Warwick, by Edward Marston

I need to take a break from Marston, I think. While I still like all the historical bits in this series about the Domesday commissioners, the stories are starting to blend together.

This story surrounds the imprisonment of a local blacksmith who stands accused of murdering a former employee of the sheriff of Warwick. The sheriff refuses to countenance the possibility that the smith is not guilty, preferring to torture a confession out of it. Gervase and Ralph do some investigating and with Golde's help, they find several pieces of the puzzle that don't fit. Then the blacksmith escapes and one of the other commissioners takes off with the sheriff in the hunt for him.

A bit of a twist at the end, and a couple of new fun characters that might continue appearing in other books. But I think I'll take a break for awhile in any case.

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