Saturday, December 30, 2006

More Whatdunits (ed. Michael Resnick)

This is kind of an unusual concept, in that the editor sends out story set-ups to selected authors who then write the story to go with the set-up. Here's an example:
A riff on The Demolished Man. A human private eye is hired to retriev an art object that has been stolen by an alien, and--if possible, though it isn't his primary objective--to bring the alien to justice. The catch: the alien, and everyone who works for it, belongs to a race of telepaths.
The story that goes with this set-up is Kristine Kathryn Rusch, whom I've never really heard of, but Jane Yolen and John Gregory Betancourt are familiar names who contributed a story.

Most of the themes are traditional science fiction: space ships, aliens, etc. Kind of fun, a throwback, and entertaining.

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