If you haven't read it, go get it and do so, preferably this translation, done by Marion Wiesel, his wife. This edition pictured is 120 pages long, and includes a preface, a foreword, and the text of his Nobel Prize acceptance speech.
Read it. It isn't difficult reading in the sense of hard words.
It is difficult reading in the sense of facing the baseness of humanity, all humanity: torturers and victims, old and young, strong and weak. One can never posit where one will be on these continuums when one is called to answer for oneself.
That Wiesel can use words like "gratitude" and "grace" and "peace" and "forgiveness" proves that humanity also has an infinite capacity for goodness to balance its baseness.
There is no excuse for not reading this. I can't believe it took me this long--30 years--to do so.
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