Thursday, September 09, 2004

R is for Ricochet, by Sue Grafton

Retrieved from: The library

Not bad, although Kinsey is not a major player in the solving of this particular case. That is kind of weird. And so is her connection to this cop who rather suddenly appears in her romantic life. That said, this is a book that gets the series moving forward again after a couple of recent dead ends: her failed romance with Dietz, and the case involving her former husband spring to mind as examples.

Here she is hired by the father of a woman being released from prison. He asks Kinsey to please collect his daughter and bring her home and get her started on the path to retrieving her messed-up life. Which amounts to babysitting and that's ok with Kinsey: easy money. However, this wouldn’t be much of a book if that’s all it was, and Reba turns out to be smarter than the average con. Once she faces the fact that she was set up to go to prison, and continues to be set up now, by her former boss, she methodically exacts her revenge on him before being sent back to prison on multiple parole violations. She’s spunky, smart, scary and I shudder to think what she’ll be like when she gets out next time.

A good book. But why, WHY, does Kinsey have to fall for a guy named CHENEY!!!? Ugh.

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